Take our free CPD certified course to learn about digital therapeutics and how you can safely prescribe them to your patients

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Is this course right for you?

If you are a healthcare professional supporting people living with diabetes in the UK this course will give you a foundational knowledge about digital therapeutics and provide you with the practical steps needed to identify high quality solutions and prescribe them safely to patients.


CPD Accredited

Learners can record
1.5 hours of CPD for successfully completing
the course


Progress will automatically save so you can complete the 8 bite-sized chapters whenever its most convenient for you.

Built for HCP 

Developed in close collaboration with patients, nurses, and other key stakeholders working with diabetes in the NHS.

What People are Saying

Hear from a trusted community of healthcare professionals who have completed the course.

"As a nurse who is transitioning away from the bedside and into digital health, I found this education incredibly helpful. It provided a great introduction into the terminology and history of DTx, while spending adequate time discussing the regulatory and ethical considerations. I especially liked the resources tab. Thank you for this content!"

Heather Likins

Nurse, London

"I have taken Hedia’s online certification course to get familiar with the app and I am very glad that my health care professionals instruct patients to use Hedia"

Malene Boas 

Chief Physician, Herlev Hospital, Denmark’

"This course proved to a meaningful use of my time. Tak!! ā€¯

Michael Forde



Everything you need to know about Digital Therapeutics

A CPD certified course on digital therapeutics (DTx), their benefits and challenges and the regulations which govern their use in the UK & EU. Learn how to identify & prescribe high quality digital solutions today!

Get started for free

Learning outcomes

Develop a Foundation of Knowledge

Learn how digital therapeutics differ from other digital health technologies & the important factors healthcare professionals need to be aware of when using them in a clinical setting


Identify High Quality Digital Solutions

Distinguish high quality digital therapeutic solutions from potentially unsafe digital health apps using a clear framework of criteria

Prescribe Digital Therapeutics

Create a step by step process to safely prescribe digital therapeutics to your patients

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